
In addition to her own blog, Cristina has had the opportunity to write for groups and organizations.

Find Your People
Cristina Slabic Cristina Slabic

Find Your People

It is often said that you reinforce you’ve learned material when you teach it to someone else. We did that for each other. We held each other accountable to show up and work on things together. We shared resources, primarily each other’s upperclassmen friends who had already taken the classes.

I look back now and see that their mere presence helped me focus. We were in the trenches together. Community mattered.

Of course, we’re each responsible for our own performance but it was such a help to have people working alongside me. So find your people to reinforce what you’re trying to learn because either they show you or you show them, and you’re all helped.

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Four Questions to Improve Your Time Management
Cristina Slabic Cristina Slabic

Four Questions to Improve Your Time Management

The reality is that time management is about self management. You are managing your energy, your attention, and how you use your skills and resources to accomplish tasks and projects that are your responsibility.

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