The Power of Mothers

I recently spent a few days with several women whom I admire greatly.  They each trust God with whatever is going on in their lives. Some have been friends for a long time.  Some of them were brand new to the group. 

They all study God’s Word and love the Lord. They share joys and sorrows. They share encouragement and lessons. They invite others into their lives and allow them to carry the burdens of the really hard things.  They pray.

This was the second timeI was able to attend the retreat.  We spent time sharing meals, praising God, nurturing or starting friendships, giving updates on how God has worked in each of our lives, and then praying for one another. We rested, enjoyed the country, and played games.  It was not enough time.

Watching the collective wisdom in that room was so incredibly encouraging. Feeling the love of those women for their children and grandchildren made me ache for that kind of love. They talked of welcoming in new sons- and daughters-in-law--and how they were also being covered in prayer and receiving their mothering ministry.  Powerful ministry.  

Love is the most powerful ministry I have as a mom. Not control, not influence, not wisdom.  Love. I got to see what that practically looks like in the lives of these women. 

I want to be a mom that prays and loves like that--for my kids and for additional people that will be added to our family. I love that they pray for me, Mike, my children, my marriage and our parenting.  I’m grateful for them.  Even (and especially) the hugs.  

“...the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

Do you have people in your life that set an example for how you want to live?  If so, have you thanked them?


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